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Terms and conditions


Boiler Service Plan

  • Areas Covered. We cover Greater Manchester UK and surrounding areas, including postcodes M, OL, BB, BL, SK (excluding SK10, 11, 17 and 22). This is mentioned several times across the website, please be aware that if you sign up, and we don't cover your area, you may be charged an administration fee of £7.50, before we cancel your cover.

  • First Service Charge. If your boiler needs to be serviced before a particular date (for example, to keep the warranty going), and you sign up to our Service Plan before the service due date, there may be a small additional charge for your first initial service, but this will be heavily discounted. Thereafter all your services will be covered by your plan. This small additional charge for the first service will always be discussed with the customer, and agreed upon, before you sign up to the plan.

  • Same trusted engineers. The majority of the time it will be solely James and Gary you deal with. If there is an emergency, or unforeseen circumstances, we may employ another gas engineer to visit your property, or inform the national gas transporter to make your property safe. Any extra staff will be highly vetted in order to sustain our high standards.

  • 24/7 Boiler Advice from Two Experienced Gas Engineers. James and Gary are generally always available, however, sometimes we will not be able to message back immediately. Often you will get a response within the hour, and we strive to get a response no later than 24hrs.

  • 30-60mins Service. Sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances the service may take longer than this.

  • ‘FULL’ Boiler Service. If your boiler is obstructed in any way, we may not be able to fully service your boiler. Examples of this, your magnetic filter or condensate trap is inaccessible due to the way the original installer has fitted it, valves are seized on your boiler or magnetic filter, your boiler/pipework has been partially boxed in. From experience, we know that some magnetic filters are likely to leak if serviced, generally the cheaper ones, so we won’t be able to clean them. We will advise you of these issues at the time of your first service.

  • Summer Service. If your boiler service is at the beginning of summer, from April 1st, we will not need to come out to service the boiler again at the end of the summer. The first free summer service is aimed at the winter services, to get them serviced in the summer whilst it’s quieter in order to free up our time for boiler repairs.

  • Access to property. Customers will be contacted within two months before their boiler service is due. We will try to contact a customer 2 times to gain access to the property via email, and mobile, to carry out their annual service. If there is no answer, we will send out a letter for the customer to get in touch with us regarding their boiler service. Please try and keep your contact details updated on our website. If after the letter we still hear nothing from the customer, we will assume the boiler service wasn’t convenient this year, and will try again the following year.

  • Boilers under warranty. Please be aware that if your boiler is under warranty, it needs to be serviced yearly to keep the warranty active. As mentioned above we will try several times, using several methods to contact the customer. If we have tried and failed to gain access, it is the responsibility of the customer to contact us. Your warranty is void if it isn’t serviced yearly. If your boiler is serviced soon after the service expiry date, we may be able to back date your service records, but this isn’t guaranteed. If we have tried to gain access and failed, we will not be held responsible for any void boiler warranties.

  • 25% Discount for life on 'Service & Repair Plan 6yrs+). If you are a new customer, you will need to have had your 'service plan', or 'service & repair plan 0-5yrs' for atleast 3yrs. If you are an existing customer we may offer you this plan under other conditions, ie, you have not been on any of our plans, but have still been an existing customer for a number of years. This offer is also subject to the condition of your boiler, generally we will already know this for existing customers, and will advise you if needed.

  • Fixed Prices, No Annual Increase, No Hidden Costs. Service plan £7.50 /mnth, Repair Plan for boilers 0-5yrs old £15 /mnth, Repair Plan for boilers 6yrs and older £20/mnth. We want to keep our customers happy, we will strive to keep these prices as they are, I'm sure we won't ever have to change these prices. However, unfortunately we can't control world affairs, the price off oil, the price of parts, and inflation. If we do ever have to change our prices we will give customers lots of notice, we will never change your price without letting you know first, and give you the option to terminate the plan if need be without any additional charges.


Boiler Repair and Service Plan

  • Your Repair Plan Cover. Your boiler cover will start from the day of your first payment. It covers one domestic natural gas boiler up to 70kw heat input, and includes both parts and labour fees.

  • Accidental Damage. Cover is void for all accidental damage, including homeowner, tenant, trades people, or any other persons.

  • Immediate Repairs. We understand that boilers may break down as soon as you take out the cover, generally we will be happy to make the repair under your cover. We can generally tell if a fault has been on a boiler for a while. If it is fairly obvious that your fault was on your boiler before you took out the repair plan cover, we will discuss your options, there may be a small additional charge for the first repair. If it is a costly repair, and the customer is unwilling to pay an additional charge we will immediately cancel their cover.

  • No callout fee. 99% of the time, there will be no callout fee, for an unlimited amount of callouts. However, if a customer requests a visit several times with a false alarm we may have to charge a small additional fee, or we may have to take said customer off the service/repair plan, we will discuss this in more detail with the customer if the situation ever arises.

  • Unlimited Callouts. We have not put a limit on the number of times we come to repair your boiler throughout the year. For every boiler service and repair we do, we are constantly assessing your boiler, and your situation. Sometimes we will decide that a repair is not the best option, for example, if we’ve come out and fixed your boiler 6 – 10 times in one month, we may suggest that a new boiler is the best choice going forward. Some boiler parts also become expensive, and even obsolete.

  • Majority of Jobs Fixed on First or Second Visit. Around 80-90% of jobs are completed within 2 visits. However, some boilers, especially new customers that haven’t had their boiler serviced for several years, can unfortunately experience several faults at the same time, which may take several visits, and boiler parts to rectify. If a boiler experiences a fault, and we change a part, changing said part can sometimes disturb other parts, unfortunately this is what happens, as boilers get a lot of use over the years, working in extreme temperatures. Rest assured we will try our utmost to get your boiler up and running as quickly as possible.

  • Some Boilers Cannot Be Fixed. With some old boilers, they get to a point where they cannot be fixed, or it would be too expensive to fix, the boiler is deemed to be beyond economical repair. We will advise the customer accordingly, and will offer to fit a new boiler at a massively discounted rate.

  • Boiler beyond economical repair. This generally means the cost of the parts to fix the boiler, are in excessive of the current price of the boiler. This includes the main primary heat exchanger, which is too costly both in parts or labour to repair. Unfortunately, parts on older boilers can become obsolete (the boiler manufacturer stops making the part). We will advise the customer accordingly, and will offer to fit a new boiler at a massively discounted rate.

  • Competent with Electrics. As gas engineers we are allowed to work, service, repair, replace any electrical components after the boiler plug, or fuse spur switch. We Can assist and advise with other electric issues, however we are not electricians, and in certain circumstance we will advise you to get a qualified electrician in to assist with any electrical issues that arise before the boiler.

  • We Cover your Programmer. We will fit a basic model to get your boiler up and running, you can have this for free as part of your Repair Plan Cover. If you want us to come and fit another programmer/ thermostat, we will advise you of your options, and either purchase it for you, or you can provide us with one. There will be a small labour charge of £40 to fit your new programmer, this is usually around £80 for labour, then any materials cost we have spent (including the new programmer if we have bought it for you).

  • We Cover Pipework up to 500mm from your Boiler. We will cover any pipework that is accessible. Any pipework hidden behind walls, cupboards, ceiling, floor, boxed in, or embedded somewhere will not be covered. We are still happy to assist with the problem, but there may be a small additional labour charge, depending on the situation. Any additional charges will be discussed before any work takes place.

  • We Cover your Boiler Flue. (Up to 1m in length) It’s rare there would be a problem with your flue. Sometimes the terminal is damaged in high winds, which you are covered for. More often than not, issues with flues are down to incorrect installation, which you may not be covered for. If there is a problem, we will assist you as much as possible, and in certain circumstances we will replace the entire flue for free. However, if the flue is very difficult to access, or it is going to be a big job, we may have to charge an additional fee. Any additional fee will be discussed before carrying out work.

  • Installation faults. Some faults that arise because the boiler has been installed incorrectly may be subject to an additional charge if the repair is costly. Any faults with the original installation that we see, we will advise the customer. However, some installation faults are impossible to see until a problem arises, and a further investigation has been done. Any costly faults arising from a bad installation, we would hope the customer would be reimbursed by the original installer. If this is impossible, we will come to an agreement with the customer, depending on circumstances. If we have serviced the boiler more than 2 times, we will generally cover the costs of parts and labour.

  • Faults that aren’t with your boiler. From time to time a customer may think there is a problem with their boiler, but it turns out to be an external problem, i.e. nothing to do with the boiler itself. For example, low water pressure, low gas at your meter, a problem with your electrics, hot water tap is faulty, shower faulty, a problem with your radiators, blocked pipes feeding your radiators, faulty radiator controls, this list is not exhaustive. If this is the case, and its easy to fix, we will do this for free. However, if there is additional work that needs to be done there will be an additional cost, which will be discussed with the customer before anything is done.

  • Corrosion and sludge. Parts that are corroded due to sludge in the system will not be replaced unless action is taken to clean the system first (i.e. power flush, chemical inhibitor added to system, magnetic filter). The reason being, that if the system is not suitably cleaned before fitting a new part, the new part will also corrode, and break with time. We will be happy to carry out the work to clean your system, and add additional preventive measures, but this will be at an additional cost, which will be heavily discounted. When the work to clean the system is done, we will then replace the part in question as part of your cover. However, if we have warned you several times that your system needs cleaning, or that you need additional preventive measures, we may; ask you to pay towards the repair; charge you for parts and labour; cancel your cover with immediate effect.

  • Preventive Corrosion Methods. If your central heating system has a working magnetic filter, and has had inhibitor in the system, we will deem this as satisfactory preventive measures. In extreme cases your system will also need to be flushed, power flushed.

  • Weeps vs leaks. Generally, all boilers at some point in time develop weeps on some internal parts, more so the older they are. Weeps are not like leaks, and are nothing to be concerned about. It is generally a minute amount of water that has made its way to the surface on a connection. Every time a boiler is repaired, there is an unavoidable amount of disruption. This is why older boilers that have had several repairs tend to break down more and more often. The weeps we refer to, are in no way damaging your boiler, anything around your boiler, and do not affect the workings, efficiency and safety of your boiler. It is counter productive to repair every weep we see, as your boiler life expectancy would be severely reduced. The weeps we refer to will never get any worse, and in many cases dry up, and don’t reappear. Due to this, we will not inform the customer of any weeps inside the boiler, as it would only cause stress and worry for no reason.

  • Unnecessary Repairs. As a boiler ages, it typically starts to lose efficiency and function. No matter how many repairs we do on a 10yr old boiler, it will never function the same way it did the day it was fitted. Please be aware of this fact. Your cover is to rectify boiler faults, in order to keep it functioning as efficiently as possible. Any faults concerning the boilers safe functioning will be dealt with immediately. If an old boiler does not warm up quite as quick as it use to, or runs a little louder, as an experienced gas engineer/ boiler breakdown engineer, we will inform you that nothing can be done to resolve the problem, and in fact changing parts unnecessarily can have an adverse effect, and shorten the life of a boiler.

  • 25% Discount for life on 'Service & Repair Plan 6yrs+). If you are a new customer, you will need to have had your 'service plan', or 'service & repair plan 0-5yrs' for atleast 3yrs. If you are an existing customer we may offer you this plan under other conditions, ie, you have not been on any of our plans, but have still been an existing customer for a number of years. This offer is also subject to the condition of your boiler, generally we will already know this for existing customers, and will advise you if needed.



  • Cancellations. Each customer is free to cancel at any time, however, if a boiler service or repair has been done for that calendar year (from their first payment), we will ask for a one off payment to settle the bill for the remaining months of that calendar year. We reserve the right to cancel a customer’s subscription, at any time, this will be incredibly rare, and hopefully will never happen. Examples of this may include a customer not paying their bills, abusive customers, work is deemed as unsafe.

  • Refunds. In the very unlikely event that someone isn’t happy with our service, and we can’t come to a satisfactory agreement, we are happy to refund the customer for that calendar year. The calendar year will start on the date you first made a payment on your plan. If there has been any work carried out on the boiler, there may be a deduction in the refunded amount. We may refund the entire amount regardless of works carried out, depending on the circumstances.

  • Terms and condition updates. We strive to be as clear as possible with everything on this website. We are also very flexible when it comes to satisfying each customer, under varying circumstances. As such, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to list and explain every eventuality on our website, or in our ‘terms and conditions’. For any that know Gary and James, you will know that their both excellent engineers, and pride themselves on their work ethics. It is extremely rare we have any complaints. We will from time to time have to update our website, and ‘terms and conditions’, without warning, as our jobs, parts, regulations are forever changing. There will be issues and scenarios that we haven’t covered on our website, and ‘terms and conditions’. Please understand that this can’t be helped. If you have any issues, or questions, regarding anything on the website, or in our ‘terms and conditions’, please don’t hesitate to contact us at, Gary 07840042666, James 07733424223, as we are confident we can assist, answer, or resolve any issues you may have.

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